Tuesday, May 18, 2010

food for beauty and health

~ Vitamin A (Beta carotene)

Preventing dry skin, dandruff, nails peel and wrinkle formation in skin.

Source of Vitamin A: Melon, papaya, tomatoes, green leaf vegetables, dairy products, eggs and carrots.

~ Vitamin B Complex

To clean skin, luminous and looks muda.Kekurangan vitamin B will lead to: gray hair

loss, dandruff, chapped lips, skin irritation, and greasy hair.

Vit B Kompeks Source: Serelia (wheat), beans - beans, green leafy vegetables, ivory and liver.

~ Vitamin C.

This vitamin is necessary for the production of proteins with collagen, prevent wrinkles or skin pigman kendur.Mencegah buildup, strengthen capillaries and prevent bleeding of the gums.

Vit C sources: green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit, potatoes, blaccurrent, wine and cerry.

~ Vitamin D.

Important for healthy bones, teeth, eyes, skin and nails. Sources Vit D: sunlight, Salmon, Milk,

Butter, tuna and beef liver.

~ Vitamin E.

Assist in the formation of muscle and tissue sel.Mencegah aging and healing scars.

Source Vit E: Soybean, olive, wheat, egg yolk, sunflower seeds, green vegetables, asparagus, broccoli.

~ Protein .

For healthy hair, teeth and natural kulit.Sumber protein: soy, avocado, peas - Beans,

sesame, serelia, fish, fat and meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products and vegetable proteins.

~ Fats and Oils.

Unsaturated fat in vegetable oil to help the assimilation of fat soluble vitamins such as Vit A, Vit D and

Vit E. The natural source of fat: Butter, vegetable oil and Nuts (nut)

~ Minerals .

All mineral functions as circulation in the blood, cell assimilation in the body and substance builders in

in conjunction with protein.Macam tubuh.Bekerja - kind of mineral:

1. Calcium and phosphorus.


3. Iodine.


5. Iron.

6 Magnesium

7. Sulphur.




