Friday, March 9, 2012

4 signs you are experiencing Menopause 

Recognize early signs of menopause

Menopause is a normal part of aging process of all women.

Menopause is defined as the end of the menstrual cycle and permanent loss of ovarian function.

Some women may experience early menopause due to medical procedures such as hysterectomy.

According to data from the North American Menopause Society, in the U.S. the average age of women who reach menopause is around 51 years.

Here are some signs and symptoms that indicate the beginning of menopause, namely:

A. Reduced Menstrual Period Start

A woman has reached menopause when considered over a 12-month absence of periods from the date he had last menstrual period.

Irregular menstrual periods until it is really the end of menstruation is the most obvious sign that a woman has reached menopause, especially if he was aged over 50 years.

There is no set time for sure when the last menstrual period will occur, but by noting the menstrual cycle can help determine when an irregular menstrual periods begin.

2. Hot Flashes

One symptom of menopause is probably the most famous hot flashes. Hot flashes occur because of hormonal changes that cause blood vessels dilate in an attempt to cool the body.

Most women her skin became flushed or sweaty during hot flashes. This condition can cause increased heart rate.

Hot flashes are a normal condition and can be controlled by exercising regularly and avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and spicy foods. Smoking also can increase the severity of the symptoms of hot flashes.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is often used to treat women with severe hot flashes, although the 2002 Women's Health Study found that HRT may increase the risk of heart disease and breast cancer.

Consult with your doctor to decide the appropriate treatment to address these issues.

3. Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders

Insomnia or other sleep disorders are the signs and symptoms that often occur at the beginning of menopause.

Some women often awakened at night due to sweating too much or hot flashes, while others find it difficult to sleep.

Some things are recommended to address the problem of insomnia in menopausal women is to avoid consumption of caffeine and exercise or relaxation techniques.

4. Easily Angered and Mood Changes (Mood Swings)

Many women who experience mood swings or irritability before and during menopause.

The researchers could not determine with certainty the trigger of this mood disorder, although it is believed the change in hormone levels have a role.

Some women may be more sensitive or easily offended because disturbed sleep or insomnia making it difficult to sleep soundly.

It is estimated about 20 percent of women reported having depression or irritability when menopause. These symptoms may be more severe in women who are as young as PMS mood problems.

Symptom Severity

Every woman will experience menopause experience is different, some of which may not experience symptoms that interfere.

On the other hand, some women experience severe symptoms, such as hot flashes and insomnia.

This is a sign of menopause if you feel the symptoms do not be sad .. enjoy life and multiply the worship of God it is time we repent