Monday, June 28, 2010


You are often buying cosmetics at retail pharmacies, may often faced with services that do not provide the tester. So even buying cosmetics is like buying a cat in a sack. But the truth according to Bobbi Brown, CEO of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, such conditions can be avoided. I do it?

The first step that you must do is, do not wear any makeup when they want to buy a foundation. The goal, so your actual skin color will be obvious. After that, choose three colors simultaneously foundation is the same color as the skin, the darker, and lighter.
The next thing to do is, stand near the window glass and then bring the third is on the face of the foundation. Choose the color that best matches your facial skin. Why should stand near the window? According to Brown, the light bulb sometimes obscure the original color of the foundation.
And if And want to buy a foundation with two different colors, for Brown was not a problem. Because sometimes, cosmetic professionals do the trick to getting the right result on the skin polished.
Lastly, be sure to ask if the product was purchased can be returned? The goal is to anticipate the needs of the foundation color that has been purchased did not match the color of your skin