Sunday, August 15, 2010



body parts that can support your appearance is the face. With a clean and fresh faces, you'll be more confident. There are many ways to maintain the freshness of the face, one of them by utilizing vitamin content in fruits.
Any problems on the face depending on skin type. There was an oily, with the characteristics of oil output in the face of constantly around the forehead, nose, chin (local term "T"), and cheek at the bottom of the cheekbone. In general, this type of facial skin easily overgrown pimple. For this type, then the cucumber can help them. The fruit is nutritious and relaxes smooth the skin, helping to alleviate the pores and remove impurities from the skin. Thus the occurrence of acne can be prevented. In addition to cucumbers, tomatoes can also help restore the balance of oil on oily skin, so that faces are always fresh and natural.
The second type of facial skin is dry skin types. Usually the skin look dull or glossy, sometimes feels tightened (interested), scaly, and itchy. Circumstances biscuits pores often appear withered and rough, and wrinkled, so it looks older than actual age. Good fruit to be consumed for this type of facial skin dalah carrots *. Vitamin A in carrots is required for maintenance of epithelial tissue (tissue that exist on the surface of the skin). Carotene found in carrots are also functioning to keep skin moist slows the emergence of wrinkles on the face, and making faces always seem to glow. In addition, the pineapple can also be an alternative for you. Therefore, this fruit contains a substance which serves to summarize the pores so the skin looks smoother.
Another case with normal skin types. In between these two types of skin before, the most ideal is the type of normal skin. This type of skin is not oily and not too dry. In addition, the texture is smooth and soft to the touch. For this type of facial skin, avocado can be your choice. Avocado mask can help care for normal skin types. Therefore, high levels of fat that can moisturize the skin and protects skin from the influence of sunlight.
* Carrots can be eaten with raw or boiled carrot juice
(Tips boil vegetables: in order to be assured of vitamins in vegetables, then before entering the vegetables, boiling water with salt to taste and a little sugar, sugar is useful to keep the vitamins contained in vegetables stay awake and not discarded with the cooking water.) with these tips we care to face with a natural way