Monday, August 9, 2010

Mental sex position 13

Attitude (Attitude) is a mental position taken by someone in the face of a fact. Attitude can be positive or negative. In sex, as in other situations, a positive attitude will improve your self, and negative attitudes cause the opposite effect.
Do you have any doubt that changing attitudes can really change your sex life? Compare the attitude of your own sex with the following. If you have a negative attitude, change. If you ever think, for example, "My wife has never reached orgasm during intercourse because she was frigid" - replaced with the thought, "My wife and I can learn together about what he needs to reach orgasm during intercourse."
The right attitude will provide the energy for yourself, and positive action will immediately follow the positive thoughts.
Here are 13 super attitude to sex, the sex therapist who wrote Joel D. Block. Ph.D in the book Secrets of Better Sex


Sexual knowledge is power. Some people believe the wrong things about sex. (For example, women who do not achieve orgasm during intercourse is frigid. Men who ejaculate quickly have intimacy issues. The man who lost his erection during sex is angry with her partner, and so forth). The absence of sexual information and misinformation will clearly lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and reduce sexual pleasure.

Sex requires a little courage. Do not let fear and embarrassment restrict your sexual behavior. Fear of failure, to look "stupid," or can not meet the expectations of yourself or your partner, can stop the pair try new techniques and try different positions or ask for type of romance they want.

Sexual freedom is freedom from the tyranny of "must". Sex is about "desire," not "mandatory." What you and your partner want? That is the problem, not what you think should you wish.

The highest satisfaction occurred because of involvement with your partner. If you are too busy considering the potential and satisfaction of your own, you will not be able to engage in sexual experience that's fun.

The best sex happens when two people feel safe enough with each other to become weak. To overcome the barrier, almost everyone requires the belief that he was fully accepted by their partner.

In sex, as in life, they are capable and will share his own experiences and their partners improve.

If you say what you want to accurately without causing hurt feelings, you are an effective communicator. This is probably far more important in bed than anywhere else.

Context of love.
The most satisfying sex occurs if the couple love each other.

Willingness to seek help
Sometimes couples experience sexual difficulties that they can not correct yourself. Do not let it ruin your relationship problems, couples with a good attitude will seek professional help to find solutions to problems.

Good health.
Take care of yourself in every area of life, including sex. If you feel healthy, you feel everything is more fun than when you're ill or physically impaired. Some physical problems can not be avoided. But good personal habits will improve your ability to stay healthy.

Sexism put people in categories of simplistic and limited. (Men should start sex. Women should be passive, and so forth). Narrow stance will limit sex erotic experience.

Sex is far more enjoyable than an orgasm. This is the process of eroticism that can be enjoyed at each stage / phase. If both partners are focused on sensual pleasure, they experience more fully the sex.

We often think of sex too seriously. Sex should be fun, and sometimes funny. Couples who can laugh on the wrong moment will not suffer